Considering TV monitors and AppleTV to replace traditional projectors in your classroom? This year a couple of our workhorse projectors breathed their last, and instead of replacing them, we're opting for the AppleTV. The question was asked, ”What about my document camera?” Easy solution – the iPad Board Cam Pro app. Not only can you display documents, images or manipulatives, Board Cam Pro allows you to label, annotate and record your presentation. It even has a laser pointer-like tool. $4.99 on iTunes.
For Android users, consider Splashtop Whiteboard, a highly rated tool that provides similar features, though it does require the projector.
CC Connection: Both apps allow teachers and students to analyze text, summarize details, interpret words and phrases, and evaluate media. All forms of writing can be modeled; and teachers can demonstrate research, planning, revising and editing. Math practices can be demonstrated and modeled.