The tablet content is crowdsourced, curated by teachers on the LearnCloud, an online database of free learning resources - like Pinterest for education. Teachers add online content and organize it into collections, collaborating with other teachers as they go, creating a valuable resource for their own use and the use of other educators around the world.

Here's the need, in the words of Rumie's LearnClould Community Manager Deanna Del Vecchio.
"We need your help to curate the best free online learning resources, which will be preloaded onto Rumie tablets and sent to Syrian refugees at the Al-Salam school in Turkey. Join our community in contributing towards our goal of collecting 3000 resources by December 15th. Visit to find out more and let us know what you can contribute - we're specifically looking for content in Math, Science, Language, and Vocational Skills."
Can you help out? Please consider adding to Rumie's collection! Do it today!
Thanks in advance supporting this noble cause!