While researching fun, creative strategies for a Chromebook integration presentation, I ran across this informative video by Eric Curts. Eric demonstrates how to use Google Slides to create comic strips.
Once you see how simple it is to create comic strips, your students won’t need to use more costly comics applications. Just watch the first 20 minutes or so of the video to get the gist of the process, check out his resources, share key steps with your students, then turn them loose.
Use copyright-friendly scenes for background, clipart images for characters (use the png format for a transparent background), and callout shapes for dialogue. Add the “slide to right” transition between slides to simulate reading an actual comic. Of course, they can ratchet up the creativity with student-created characters that they draw, cut out, take pictures, then insert.
Using Comics in Class to:
illustrate a concept from class.
retell a story
reenact a famous scene
create an autobiography
explain vocabulary
This is one of those strategies that give students opportunities for choice, creativity and to work with others. It’s one of those “show what you know” activities that pushes them to higher levels of learning. In addition to your subject matter standards, comic creation also meets your common core writing standards.
Think about how you can use comic strips in your classroom. I think your students will have fun creating comics to share with classmates and their families. Consider posting them on your class website or blog to share with a broader audience.
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