Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Five Ways to Use Google Forms in Your Classroom

The recent release of new functionality to Google Forms reminds us why we like it so much. Now you can shuffle questions and include a Search feature.  It also provides a shortened URL to share with others! 

Here’s our top 5 ways to use Google Forms in your classroom:

Self and Peer Review Allow students to reflect on their performance, and that of their team.  Be sure to ask them how they will make their next collaborative activity better.  Keep on hand for conferences.
Document PD Every time you attend a PD session, complete the form, including title, presenter and summary.  Have checkboxes to indicate what professional or employer goal the session met.  When the end of the year comes, you have all your information in one place.
Quizzes Perfect for quick formative assessments and trackable data.  Use Flubaroo to score and email results to students.
Collect Student Work Do you have students using Web 2.0 tools to show what they know? Have a form ready for them to send you their URLs.
Rubric Ever collect projects and wonder if the student even looked at the rubric?  Create a form and have them score their work before you do.  You now have a starting point for student conferences too.
OK, one more…

Class Management Use Forms to document student behavior.  Include name, incident and consequence.  Sort by name, and use to inform conduct grades and parent conferences.  
How do you use Google Forms in your classroom?  Please share your ideas!

1 comment:

Chris P. said...

I wrote a post about how i use forms to collect and organize student work. I included a screen cast showing the process and results of how i use forms.