We were interested to see how often "tech-related" and 21st Century Skills terms appeared in California's ELA and Math Common Core Standards. Below is a selection of terms, and the number of occurrences in both ELA and Math. We've noticed a few interesting things, and will share those thoughts down the road a bit. What do you think? Does anything surprise you? What other terms should we search for?

Source: Ca. Common Core State Standards, March 2013 ed.
Interesting, thanks for sharing. I think the data will look different for K-5 than for 6-12. It appears that "technology" in Math is less common in K-5.
Seems that collaboration is not a part of math. This should not be the case.and very little mention of research in math
And no critical thinking in either subject..
Do we really get how to teach math especially to those who are not fully engaged and fully motivated?
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