Saturday, February 2, 2013

Graphic Organizer App for Student Use

Mobile Learning Services has come out with a nifty iPad app that provides fillable graphic organizers for student use.  Tools 4 Students is 99¢ and provides 25 easy to use options. Once complete, the student can either email or Dropbox the sheet to the teacher.  They can also save it as an image or PDF.  That ability to save allows students to go back to it later.  For example, using the Prediction page, the student can later explain why a prediction proved true or not as part of a writing assignment. 

I could not find a similar Android app, but did locate another highly rated mind-mapping tool – SimpleMindFree.  This app has tons of functionality as a brainstorming, idea collection and thought structuring tool.

CC Connection: Tools 4 Students provides a structure for many of the skills associated to reading and writing, including the higher-level skills of analysis and integration.  Also can be used for planning writing assignments as well as project development.

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