Thursday, February 28, 2013

Teaching Channel - high quality videos on Math, ELA and much more!

I just re-discovered the Teaching Channel, which has about 650 videos on a variety of topics, including 150 on Common Core. Search by subject, grade or topic (including CC but also Planning, Behavior, Engagement,  Class Culture, How To's, other professional development...) and get a list of excellent videos with some innovative and effective teaching practices. The videos are usually 2 to 15 minutes long.

The Common Core videos I watched (3rd gr. Math and 6-8 gr. ELA) were high quality and could easily be used in 'all' classrooms. There is NOT necessarily a tech component to these lessons, but that could certainly be included, if desired. For each class lesson, the grade, standard and lesson objective are all clearly identified. Once you sign in, there's room for you to take notes in your own space, which was cool. With one click you can save the video you're watching to your 'planner' for later review - also nifty.

There's an ongoing blog called Let's Chat Core that is designed to help educators understand and implement Common Core standards. Some great info there, as well.

CC Connection: While not necessarily a 'tech' item for your classroom, it's definitely worthy to include here, as the Teaching Channel is a great resource to learn ABOUT CC standards, see in action several specific lessons supporting CC. AND it includes a significant amount of high quality 'professional development' instruction that we can all use, not to mention some great lessons in non-CC curriculum, too. A winner.

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