Friday, February 15, 2013

Interactive Learning Sites - Great Blended Learning Opportunity

The blended learning paradigm is really nothing new, especially in many primary classrooms.   Math and language art “centers” are commonplace - the teacher is instructing one group, there is another on computers receiving additional instruction or reinforcement, and the classroom aide or parent is working with a third.  Interactive Learning Sites is a fun collection of interactive online games and simulations that can be used in the classroom or at home.  All subject areas are addressed, including Spanish and art.  An adult (ok, me) can get lost for hours playing around with the different games. 

CC Connection:
  As you can select specific areas of math and language arts to find games, this site should be a definite go-to place to reinforce classroom instruction. Project it for whole-group instruction, or use in centers, small group, or at-home reinforcement. 

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