Saturday, February 13, 2016

It's not too late - judge some student videos for Next Vista for Learning

Wanted to get a quick post out about this contest - there is still time to help support the students that have created educational videos for Next Vista for Learning, a non-profit run by friend and colleague Rushton Hurley.

Here's part of his recent note to me - please help out if you can. It will not take long to look at thise videos and provide your valuable input!

If your time allows, please go to the link below and watch the ten 90-second videos, casting a vote for the one in each strand you think most creatively and helpfully explains something. The links to the sets of videos are in the ballot. We have already established that the rules were followed, so it will simply be a matter of watching and going with the ones you like.

You can certainly cast your vote by watching them yourself or with friends. However, if you have students, I hope you would also consider showing the videos to them and asking them to choose the best one from each of the three categories. Ideally, this will spark an interest in expressing what and how they are learning through digital media tools. If you do watch these with your students, please tally their votes and cast one collective vote (in each strand).

Judges Form for Creative Storm (with links to videos)

Voting ends tomorrow (Sunday) February 14!!!

Thanks for helping Next Vista for Learning - and the student participants - out!

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