Saturday, June 8, 2013

A Summer List of Creative Tools

For teachers, summer allows time to reflect on what went well during the school year, and where change can take place.  With the need to redefine units to reflect CCSS and 21st Century skills, you may be looking for some new resources.  Those listed below are not only great classroom tools, but are fun places to visit this summer!  Bookmark this infographic and refer to it often!


Anonymous said...

Hi Karen,
This list of tools looks great, but how do I get to the links? When I click on them, it just enlarges the whole infographic.

Karen Larson said...

Hi, infographics are images, unfortunately can't attach hyperlinks to it. Please search the site names to find them. Thanks!

Susan Oxnevad said...

Hi Karen,
Thanks for the list of tools. If you do want to create links on the infographic, you can use ThingLink to easily create "hot spots" right near the names of each tool. The links can lead to website, video and more. To learn more, please visit my blog, Cool Tools for 21st Century Learners. Here is a link to a post to get you started.

Karen Larson said...

Thanks for the recommendation Susan! I just updated the inforgraphic with ThingLink. Great tool, very easy to use. I will definitely check out your blog too!